Wednesday, December 5, 2012

She Said She Was On Her Way Out...

As I walked to her building, I heard her voice scream out…

She took longer than usual to buzz me in…

As I walked through the door into her condo, my nostrils were greeted with the musky smell of an afternoon-into-the-evening of sexual activity…

She looked more like a woman of leisure than someone who was on her way out the door… Fluffy, comfortable sweater, comfortable jeans, well-tousled hair… sleepy look and sleepy voice…

As I picked up what I came for, and continued the conversation walking out the door, she expressed how happy she would be to be back in her warm and cozy condo… throwing her arms over and around her head, while tilting her head, and cocking her hip… The look of a satisfied woman, who, basking in the thought of her satisfaction, longed for more of the same, even at that moment

Our conversation stretched on for several minutes, and only after we walked back into the condo did she even begin to put on shoes that were suitable for walking outdoors…

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