Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Deep Living...

I'm changing the name of this blog to "120,000 Feet Below" because, as I am fond of saying, that's where we live. So much of what is done in our lives have deeper roots than we care to acknowledge or recognize; and as such we, seemingly, don't know why we do the things we do.

If we knew the root, the source of our particular thought and behavior patterns, then, perhaps we could find/summon the courage to ask the hard questions, and the patience and courage to wait for and face the hard truth.

Perhaps if we would take the time to sink or rather seek, search, ask and knock, then we would fall upon/receive the answers to our questions, and find doors open for us to walk through.

Perhaps we would take the opportunity to be, do and have what it takes to become a Change Agent... for the better in our own lives, in the lives of those around us, and perhaps, even the world.

Monday, July 26, 2010

And So We Begin...

This is the first post on this new blog...

Have you ever been accused of being too serious?

Have you ever caught yourself, taking yourself too seriously?

Or maybe you just want others to take you serious.

How does one go about being taken seriously, without taking one's self to seriously.