I believe that the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything.
I believe that the breath of God plus the flesh of a human body equals a soul.
I believe that when someone dies, the body returns to the ground in one fashion or another, and the breath of God returns to Him.
I believe that when Messiah returns, He will bring all of the dead back to life, at the appropriate time, and in the appropriate order.
I believe that the memories of our life experiences, with our loved ones, remain with us. And it is these memories that bring us joy and pain, smiles and tears.
I believe that until Messiah returns, that a limited few have "gone to heaven". I believe that the vast majority of humans who have died are, in fact, dead. Death is often described as a sleep. I know from experience, that when humans sleep, that are not consciously aware of what goes on around them, and ,being asleep, have no ability to act or interact with the rest of the waking world. I believe that those who have died are, presently, having the same experience.