Friday, November 29, 2013

Give & Take

What are you in it for?

What are you hoping to give and/or gain to/from your relationships?

If you're only in it for what you "get", at some point your significant other will "wise up" and cut you loose and let you be.

What are you really giving or offering to give?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Work Your Appreciation...

May Our Day Of Thanks And Appreciation Move/Lead Us To Live Lives That Demonstrate Our Appreciation In Ways That Make Better The Lives Of Those With Whom We Have To Do.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Inverse Of The Law Of Return...

An unfulfilled life is a life that gives nothing in return for the gift of its existence.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Who's In...

People invite you into their life based on who they are, not based on who you are. Actually, they don't know who you are and may never know who you are. Getting to know someone takes patience, time, and understanding. Getting to know yourself takes patience, time, and understanding.

Do you know who you are? Do you know why you have invited the people who are in your life, into your life?

Remember, the people in your life are more of a reflection of who you are than who they are.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Decisions... Decisions...

The best thing you can do for your son is to teach him to make a "good" (wise) decision. Part of doing this is making the choice and sticking with it, seeing it through to completion/fruition.

The worst thing you can do to a man (one of the worst things you can do to a man is to decide for him, without consulting him. You run the risk of losing whatever connection, real or imagined, that you have with him.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sting and Stevie Wonder - "Fragile" (from Sting's 60th birthday concert)

I haven't posted in quite some time... Not that my life has been uneventful...
Perhaps one day, I will learn to process the goings on in my life a little faster.

Anyone who knows me intimately, as it pertains to the creative side of music, knows that I have long been a fan of both Sting and Stevie Wonder... Especially as both tend to write some of the most interesting music, both lyrically and melodically.

And while this song has proven to be one of the most thematically, in terms of lyrics...
It remains one of my favorites.

Stevie does this song no small justice.

Thanks to Claude V. McKnight III (of Take6 fame) for posting on his facebook profile.

Please Click The Hyperlink And...


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

What Moves You?

I was chatting, via gmail, with a friend who I respect and appreciate. She made a statement on one of her social network profiles that said something like, "I want LOVE to come first".

I thought it was a curious statement to make, so I IM'd her for some clarification.

My paraphrase of her response goes something like this, "Love should be the thing that moves you to action, and if this is the case in all things, then you are on the right track" to living a positive life.

It seems some many things (greed, power, pursuit of pleasure) move/motivates people to take action these days...

What moves you?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Man, I Appreciate You...

Today, I will take a moment to express my appreciation for the men God has placed in my life, throughout my life, to provide an example of leadership and manhood. Whether they have been more father-like or brother-like, they have helped and continue to help me, personally, grow and live, live up to the gifts and blessings that have been given to me.

For words of wisdom, encouragement, and admonition. For spiritual leadership, and prayers, and sermons. For allowing me to see, on a personal level, in your words and actions, what it means to be a man.
May our Creator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, bless you in accordance with His mercy and Grace, to the glory of God the Father. Thanks be to HIM, who is the Father of us all

Sunday, May 12, 2013


To every woman who has influenced the life of a child (yours or someone else's) for the better... To every woman who has supported a child (minor or adult) emotionally, financially, mentally, spiritually... With hugs and kisses and smiles and tears and prayers...

Thank You.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wanna Go Out?

The next time I go out with someone, I think I'll make them read this article from my friends Brian and Paula's Blog 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Confession Friday

I've been accused of being a man who lacks integrity.

To be honest, I've had far too many lapses, and done more than my share of dirt... Even when I've told myself different.

Every human needs to be mindful and circumspect. None of us are immune to the ability to give in to evil thoughts (which lead to evil words and actions).

It helps if I remember this... So that when somebody treats me bad, I'm not inclined to treat them in some outrageous or intentionally vengeful manner.

This Is My Confession.

What's yours?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Speaking The Same Language...

Sometimes the simplest thoughts/words can be misunderstood or mistaken.
Perhaps that is because our attempts to communicate amount to speaking in a different language.

What if every time you attempted to share your appreciation for your loved one with them, they completely took it the wrong way and didn't understand what you were saying, or worse yet, thought you meant to harm them? What if every thing you said and did came across to your loved one like it was Japanese, and they only speak English? The outcomes of both situations would probably prove confusing at best, and disastrous at worst! It would not make for a good, healthy, and growing relationship. 

What if, on the other hand, every time you wanted to express your care and appreciation, your loved one understood and appreciated your efforts, and responded to you in a way that demonstrated their appreciation. Wouldn't that just make both of your lives a little easier, and a little less stressful? Imagine what a positive difference that would make in your life. Imagine the comfort and security, both of you would experience. The joy that you experience would spill over into every aspect of your life.

Dr. Gary Chapman has been teaching about a way to "speak" in a language your loved ones can understand and appreciate for a little over  21 years now. Dr. Chapman was the first person I ever heard speak about the The 5 Love Languages . Since he began teaching about them, he has enlarged the territory they can cover, and has adapted them to appreciation at the workplace, the languages of apology, and much more.

The teaching makes sense to me, and many times has proven to be useful.

Find out for yourself by clicking here and let me know if it works for you.

Sunday Morning Love...

There is nothing quite like laying in the bed on Sunday morning, and experiencing love from whatever quarter of life it may come...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


There really is nothing quite like having it done by someone who really loves you...

Or at least someone who's got something to prove...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Life After Death...

I believe that the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything.

I believe that the breath of God plus the flesh of a human body equals a soul.

I believe that when someone dies, the body returns to the ground in one fashion or another, and the breath of God returns to Him.

I believe that when Messiah returns, He will bring all of the dead back to life, at the appropriate time, and in the appropriate order.

I believe that the memories of our life experiences, with our loved ones, remain with us. And it is these memories that bring us joy and pain, smiles and tears.

I believe that until Messiah returns, that a limited few have "gone to heaven". I believe that the vast majority of humans who have died are, in fact, dead. Death is often described as a sleep. I know from experience, that when humans sleep, that are not consciously aware of what goes on around them, and ,being asleep, have no ability to act or interact with the rest of the waking world. I believe that those who have died are, presently, having the same experience.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I love bad pictures, pictures...
That's my problem.
And then I drive a truck...
I got a trucking problem.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Now I Lay Me Down...

#SweetDreams #GoodNightSweetHeart #RestWell

Mobile Society

3 out of 4 wifi users in "my" Starbucks today are accessing it via a mobile device.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Are You Doing?

It really is a shame to wake up at 3 or 4 am, ready... And to have no other option than to turn over and go back to sleep, or to add some posts to your blog...

Ahm Jus Sayen