So I'm having a conversation with a friend of mine on yesterday morning and in the midst of picking apart my life, I was reminded that I am a romantic at heart.
I can't say that this is a good thing or a bad thing... However it is an accurate thing.
Perhaps I should clarify. My idea of romance tends more towards the archaic definition of the word (which can be found here) rather than the common way that the word is used (which can be found here).
When I think of romance, I think about old stories that explain the better nature of mankind or rather the truer nature of mankind... You know like the stories of a boy and his dog, or my personal preference, a man and his weapon (be it 9mm, light saber, or samurai sword)
Having the strong connection with music that I do, I always seem to be taken back to that common definition of romance. But even still, my romance seems to be different from that of most of those whose circles it has been my privilege to move in.
At the end of the day, I still believe that love, true love, moves people (like me) to do things that they might not have done had they not been loved, or moved to love. I still believe that love, true love brings out the purest and best in mankind (self included).
The sentiment expressed in the lyrics of the song in this video gives voice to my feelings on the subject.
What say you... What is "romance" to you?